sterilization temperature and time: The temperature and duration necessitate for high-temperature sterilization depend on the food type and sterilization standard. Generally, the temperature for sterilization is above 100 ° degree centigrade, with the time change establish on food thickness and microorganism type.
sterilization equipment: specialize sterilization equipment like high-temperature sterilization rejoinder are necessity for effective high-temperature sterilization. These devices are plan to defy high temperature and pressure, guarantee evening heating of food during the sterilization process.
sterilization consequence evaluation: following high-temperature sterilization, the sterilization effectiveness of the food must be measure by analyze the microorganism count to verify conformity with safety standard. It is crucial to choose the most suitable sterilization procedure to minimize the impact of high temperature on food’s nutritional content and taste.
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Post time: Sep-29-2024